Archive for January, 2010

Shoulders we stand upon: (episode 1) Kanban and Lean 0

This is the first episode of this series: Kanban and Lean.

As stated in the “community of thinkers” we believe individuals should never become the bottleneck to learning. Therefore we have created this list of people we have learned from. While we may not agree with every idea they have, each conversation we have had and each piece of information we have read, has led us to where we are now. When you want to learn about the backgrounds of our ideas we recommend engaging these people, either by reading their publications, books and blogs, following them on twitter and listening and talking with them.

Lean / Kanban

The book that started both our earlier interest in Lean was “The Goal” by Eli Goldratt. Later followed by the writings of Tom and Mary Poppendieck, James Womack and Jeffrey Liker. We enjoy Lean as many of the principles are related with the agile way of thinking. Even though we liked the ideas of Lean we had trouble implementing them in software development.

In 2007 when we were at the Agile 2007 conference we had the pleasure of attending the open space session where David Anderson presented his work with Kanban. This resonated with what Chris had already been doing in the UK as it was very similar. Similarities were caused by following the same influences (Poppendiecks, Eli Goldratt and David himself). It was during a discussion with David immediately after that session that the image of the rope looping through a hole came to Chris for explaining Feature Injection. We are now using that image in the comic book about feature injection.

After the conference, the yahoo group kanban_dev was started. On this list we met many people online that were actively experimenting with Kanban. On the list we met Corey Ladas, Jim Benson, Eric Willeke, Karl Scotland, Kenji Hiranabe and many others.

We have met, shared ideas with and/or learned from many others along the way. We list them in the table below. For your convenience we have listed the names, websites, twitter accounts and books of the people who’s shoulders we are standing on.

Name / Blog Twitter Book
David Anderson @agilemanager Agile Management for SE
Eric Willeke @erwilleke
Karl Scotland @kjscotland
Donald Reinertsen @dreinertsen The Principles of Product Development Flow
Managing the Design Factory
Developing Products in Half the Time
Preston Smith Flexible Product Development
Developing Products in Half the Time
Eli Goldratt The Goal
Critical Chain
Tom and Mary Poppendieck Lean Software Development
Implementing Lean SW Dev.
Taiichi Ohno
James Womack Lean Thinking
Lean Solutions
Kenji Hiranabe @hiranabe
Dennis Stevens @dennisstevens
Chris Shinkle @cmshinkle
Jeffrey Liker The Toyota Way
The Toyota Way Fieldbook
Rob Hathaway @robhathaway
Benjamin Mitchell @benjaminm
Liz Keogh @lunivore
Henrik Kniberg @henrikkniberg Scrum and XP from the Trenches
Aaron Sanders @aremsan
Eric Landes @ericlandes
Bill Ramos @billramo
Brandon Carlson @bcarlso
Brad Appleton
Alan Shalloway @alshalloway Lean-Agile Software Development
Lean-Agile Pocket Guide
Corey Ladas @corey_ladas Scrumban
Jim Benson @ourfounder
Bob Marshall @flowchainsensei
Clarke Ching @clarkeching

Share the shoulders you stand upon! 0

As stated in the “community of thinkers” we believe individuals should never become the bottleneck to learning. To enable others to learn from you even when you are not around it is essential to share the path you have walked.

And when following the path of others, think for yourself and create your own opinion. With all that knowledge and your opinion comes a responsibility. A responsibility to enable others to do what you have done:
Share the shoulders you stand upon!

We are creating a series of posts on who influenced us along the way in many areas. We encourage you to do the same.

Episode 1: Kanban / Lean (published)
Episode 2: Finance / Economics (next week)
Episode 3: Other agile
Episode 4: Motivational / Inspirational
Episode 5: Great people / great conversations
Episode 6: Weird stuff

Lean and real options 13

Lean has many valuable principles, ideas and concepts. It’s during the implementation that we have come across some problems with these principles when applied to software development. In this article we’ll discuss three lean principles and explain how we improved these principles by using real options.

The following is not a theoretical thought experiment; it is based on our real world experiences tackling these problems. It has worked for us in our situations and so we offer our experiences that others may benefit from these too.

We would like to suggest that the Lean Software Development community consider real options as an upgrade of the tools in the Lean Software Toolkit, a Lean v1.01, rather than a new approach.

In this article we’ll discuss three of the principles of Lean: “Defer commitments”, “Last responsible moment”, “Pull” and explain how you could improved these by applying real options. But first a little history of real options.

History of real options

Real options first appear at the start of the agile journey. Kent Beck was working with Hakan Erdogmus and John Favaro on real options and published this in “Extreme Programming Explained”. Also “Lean Software Development” by Tom and Mary Poppendieck mentions real options. These two very influential books are two of three books I still recommend to anyone new to Agile (the third one being Alistair Cockburn’s “Agile Software Development”). Real options have been part of Agile and Lean from the start.

Our interest in real options began when Kevin Tate displayed a slide on how a business investor looks at the risk involved in doing projects. He compared the risk profile of an Agile project with the risk profile of a Waterfall project. Being an investment banker  I realised Agile was less risky than Waterfall due to the options embedded within agile. I tried to value those options and failed miserably. Valuing the options within an agile project using financial maths is impossible.

What we did discover was a simple model that allows us to exploit the embedded options better than before. The three rules in the real options model are:

Options have value.

Options expire.

Never commit early unless you know why.

And thus was born the real options model.

Lean Software Development

Last month I was fortunate to be invited to spend a day with Ola Olnestamm and a couple of colleagues at Agical in Stockholm, Sweden. It was the first time I had had the opportunity to sit down and really discuss real options for a while. Although the model is simple, it’s implications are big. An hour presentation or five minute chat does not cut it for this subject.

One of the interesting outcomes was a comparison with Lean Software Development. Lean Software Development has a number of principles, three of which are:

Defer Commitments

The Last Responsible Moment


When applied to real world projects all three of these turn out to be guidance rather than solid principles. Whilst they are generally true, Lean Software Development offers little or no explanation how to apply these. In effect, none of these terms are defined, and as such they become axioms or underlying assumptions of Lean Software Development. Once you hit these terms, you have to choose whether to accept or reject Lean.

It is our believe that by applying real options thinking to Lean the results improve. Let’s compare the Lean Principles to the real option rules.

Defer Commitments

Defer Commitments” is a directive that commitments should be deferred to the “Last Responsible Moment”.  Real options says something similar (“Never commit early unless you know why”) except that you can make a commitment earlier if you have the information you need to make that commitment. Although not significant, it is an improvement over “Defer Commitment” because it directs us to find information that allows us to make commitments early. Making commitments early can make things much simpler as we do not have to carry unnecessary options and provide us with much needed information.

Last Responsible Moment (LRM)

One of the more significant differences between Lean Software Development and real options is that Lean talks about the “Last Responsible Moment” whereas real options talk about “Options expire”.  The “LRM” would seem to be self evident. Lean proponents will talk about the “Optimal Point” to make a commitment. “Options expire” means that after a certain point, a way of achieving a goal ( or option ) is no longer available, it expires, or dies. It is determined by a clearly defined process.

The problem with “LRM” is that when asking someone to defer a commitment, asking them to simply “defer the commitment” to the “Last responsible moment” leaves them with a lot of uncertainty and very little control.

To be able to properly use the option expiry, start with the goal and work back to determine the point at which commitments must be made. Any later than that you no longer need to bother because that option is gone. In addition, the real option process will normally identify the “Option Expiry” for a number of ways of achieving the goal. As such it determines the last responsible momentSSSSSSS (plural).

In real options, we specify the conditions at which the commitment should be made. This reduces the uncertainty and allows the decision maker more control over the commitment process.


One of the fundamental principles of Lean is “Pull” is better than “Push”.  Real options by comparison say “Never commit early unless you know why.” This means do not commit unless you have the information you need to commit. This is similar to “Pull” but this more relaxed form is more useful for understanding and informing the information arrival processes such as analysis and design.

Business analysis actually involves injecting or “pushing” information into a system. To smooth the flow. It is a shared responsibility of the business analysts and architects to reduce the number of options available in the system.

Pull in manufacturing

Consider a car plant that has no work in progress. It is silent, with the operators ready to react to a request or “Kanban” token. A customer walks to the “Out” door of the factory and requests a car of a certain specification ( A Red, Five Door A360 with a 1800cc engine and Alloy Wheels ) from a limited and defined set of choices.

This request generates requests for a body, an engine and 5 wheels. Each of 5 wheel requests generates requests for a wheel rim  and a tyre. Similar the request for a body and an engine  generate further requests until the requests hit the “In” doors of the factory where they generate requests to upstream members of the value stream.
It is as if the customer by pulling his token is able to pull all the raw materials from the ground through steel foundries and mills, through the component manufacturers and finally the car factory until he receives an assembled car.

Yes, the car is “pulled” from the value stream, but in order to do this, the information or requests need to be “pushed” or injected first. The choice when and how you pull a car is limited. The available options are chosen during the design phase. The manufacturing process is designed up front and then gradually optimised using continuous and dis-continuous process improvement.

Pull in software development

We all know that software development is different.

If we extend the car factory metaphor to software development. The customer walks to “Out” door of our factory and asks for a “Door Handle”. From there, someone in the factory has to help them discover what they really want. The customer says they want to get to work quickly. Sometimes we send them away to buy a bus ticket/travel card, other times they need something more. They want a car to travel across a muddy plane very fast being able to carry their entire inventory without ruining the environment and it should be easy to park in a city. We design a tractor with the performance of a Ferrari and capacity of a 124 wheeler lorry and fuel consumption of family car that fits in a parking space just large enough for a smart car.

Once we know what is required, we need to design it. We have to design a new kind of engine and a new kind of body. Now that we have injected all these features, we can design the process to deliver them, break the work down into manageable tasks. We may defer some features. From that, we can pull those features into a final product like they would to manufacture a car.

This is the part of the process where information needs to be pushed onto the system. A manufacturing system already has these constraints (physical dimensions, regulations, etc). Software development is about creating new things and are almost boundless. In order to be able to produce anything limits have to be placed on the system. The limits have to custom fit the current assignment. These limits is the push of information.

Everybody agrees software development is more akin to product design that product manufacturing. The main part of manufacturing is creating a product where “pull” dominates. The product design element of manufacturing is initially “push” based. Hence the need to upgrade Lean from “Pull” to “Never commit early unless you know why.”


Lean is about creating learning organizations. Having applied Lean principles to the field of software development we have experienced that these principles apply to software development differently than they do in manufacturing or new product design.

In search of better ways to do things we applied real options to what lean had already created and believed to have achieved more success.  What we offer here is a possible upgrade of Lean for practitioners which may work in your environment too. Use it and learn from it.

The conclusions we have drawn from our experiences may be wrong, we believe they are valid as they are based on real world experience. We share them so we and others can learn from them.

In closing we’d like to freely quote Adam Savage, host of Mythbusters: “We do not stand by our conclusions, we stand by our methods.”